Of the last 4 games, Paris Saint Germain W have won 3 of them.
Paris Saint Germain W are undefeated in 10 of their last 11 games.
Paris Saint Germain W have not finished draw in 14 of their previous 17 games.
Less than 4 goals have been scored in 7 of the previous 8 games of Paris Saint Germain W.
In 13 of their previous 17 games, Paris Saint Germain W have scored at least 1 goal.
Paris Saint Germain W have won 6 of their last 8 games.
Paris Saint Germain W are undefeated in 7 of their last 8 games.
Paris Saint Germain W have not finished draw in 7 of their previous 8 games.
2 or more goals have been scored in 7 of the previous 8 games of Paris Saint Germain W.
3 or more goals have been scored in 6 of the previous 8 games of Paris Saint Germain W.
In 6 of their previous 8 games, Paris Saint Germain W have scored at least 1 goal.
Paris Saint Germain W have scored at least 2 goal in 6 of their previous 8 games.
In 3 of their previous 4 games, Paris Saint Germain W have conceded at least 1 goal.
Of the last 4 games, Paris Saint Germain W have won 3 of them.
Paris Saint Germain W are undefeated in 8 of their last 9 games.
In 7 of their previous 9 games, Paris Saint Germain W have not finished draw.
8 of the previous 9 games of Paris Saint Germain W have finished with less than 4 goals.
Paris Saint Germain W have scored at least 1 goal in 5 of their previous 6 games.
Paris Saint Germain W have not conceded a goal in 3 of their previous 4 games.